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Re: Imagevue Embed Mode + Transparent Background

19 Oct 2011, 03:41

yb.ybema wrote:The difference I see is that Imagevue doesn't show the thumbnails at startup while the standalone has no problems with it.
Besides the startup everything else works how it should be.
Yes there is a difference, and I assumed this was purposely done in your custom document. How exactly do you want them to start? Do you want the embed version to go directly to the thumbnails unlike the way it is now?
yb.ybema wrote:I also would like to know how to give imagevue a transparent background.
Imagevue X2.7: Added support for Flash transparency - You can use this feature to display Html behind the Imagevue gallery, although we do not recommend this because of performance issues and obvious placement issues. To apply this feature, you need to add
wmode: 'transparent'
and flashvar:
transparent: true
into your document. Normally this is achieved by editing iv-includes/templates/ unless you have a custom html document. –