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07 Sep 2009, 04:23

Hi Karl,

We need to be able to rename the files because come files are labled with a product code and others with descriptive name, i dont believe its possible to rename the file via an ftp client without lossing or haveing to re enter the meta data again... which my client isnt willing to do....

if this cant be done or included in a future release is there any other way of doing this that you could reccomend?

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07 Sep 2009, 09:18

I don ´t see any reason why that option cant be included in the new admin as of this topic. I ´ll discuss it with pain - We want to avoid misunderstandings between filename/title also ...
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30 Sep 2009, 20:59

Sorry if this has already been discussed (and double-sorry if this already exists - if it does, please let me know where to find it!):

I would like to see a comprehensive guide to all the features of X2. Right now it seems like they're loosely gathered in the update log, but it would be nice to have a guide, either on this site or built into the new admin, that lists all the features and what they do.

Again, if this already exists somewhere, please let me know where to find it!

Thanks, and X2 is looking great!
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13 Oct 2009, 08:48

Apologies if these have already been said..

Two things spring to mind:
An update status within the admin interface notifying us to whether a new version is out

A flash like interface which lets you move images up or down to place them in order. At current I name my images in alphabetical order to place them where I want which works but can be a bit of a hassle.

Once again sorry if this has already been mentioned.
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Imagevue Hitman
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14 Oct 2009, 01:38

Sorry guys, as it is often the case, development goes ahead of documenting, but we're trying, also please use the feedback tab so at least we can have all the suggestions and votes in one place.

Thank you for support and your help.
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14 Oct 2009, 11:53

out of interest when roughly is the expected release date for the next major version? i understand you can be specific but a rough idea would be nice :)

things are not as they appear, nor are they otherwise
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Imagevue Hitman
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14 Oct 2009, 12:03

We would like to launch a new site before that. But we're keep on releasing minor updates anyway.
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18 Oct 2009, 16:45

Meanwhile, greeting everyone and congratulations for his work, he pressed that I Imagevue is one of the best scripts on the world market only needs to improve the system of selling the photos.

Many greetings Michael
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01 Dec 2009, 10:01

no status on the guestbook implementation yet guys?
and the password-protected folders?
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01 Dec 2009, 10:16


Don't know if that was already mentioned, but I thought a Newest additions or Latest photos feature would be great as well.
I'm talking about a folder which would show automatically the latest pictures uploaded to the gallery.
In my opinion, it would be very useful for people who come back to the gallery to see if new pictures were added or not, instead of going through all the folders to check if there are photos they hadn't seen before (they actually wouldn't bother to do this... and that's especially why the feature would be even more useful).

Around the same idea, but slightly different: a Favorites folder.
My idea is to pick my favorites pictures in my own gallery to display them automatically in one folder. So I can easily show to the visitor the photos I prefer, without having him navigating through all the folders.
I already have such a folder on my gallery (that I called Portfolio), but the problem is that I need to create a copy of each photo I want in. Which causes troubles when I either update/delete the photo or update the Title/Description (need to do the work twice... when I didn't forget that the picture also was in the Portfolio).

Don't know about the technical aspect of these things, but I thought it could be nice features to add...

Keep up the good work!
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08 Dec 2009, 00:20

Gizmo: Thanks for the suggestion.

We already have been thinking about something like this, which would most likely be referred to as "Smart folders". It could for example be a folder that lists all images within given dates(new photos), or a virtual folder with selected items from other folders. I can't say exactly how easy will be, but we will certainly be looking into it ...

Things may seem a bit slow around here lately, but thats because we have a few things in the loop.
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X,Y selection with comment

23 Dec 2009, 20:52

I'm using imagevue as kind of a family album, and therefore have alot of pictures with people in them.

Would it be possible to create a feature, where you can select a part of the image, just a square (x,y to x,y), and append a comment to it.
And then when viewing the image, the comment should "popup" when moving the mouse pointer over the created selection.

I know this might be a big request, but it would really be a nice extension to this great photo album, atleast for my use :)

Claus Codam
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26 Dec 2009, 07:36

Hello everyone ;)

I am looking forward to the new features such as the guestbook and password protected galleries which are (as far as I understood) scheduled for the next version.

I cannot find it right now, but I have in mind that I read somewhere about a release date "after summer", so I would like to ask if there is some kind of "rough project plan" regarding the release of the new version.

Thank you in advance,

merry christmas,
Sascha :)
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Happy new year

26 Dec 2009, 10:07

seeing it's Boxing Day for most of you, pointless saying "Merry Xmas"?? I must be one of the 'odd ones out' ? I think it's superb as it is, just need that "Manually sort photos" option... I hope you don't try to 'over-engineer' such a wonderful product !! the learning curve is quite small at this time... and looking at some of the gallery links, I can't think too many want to have too big in the way of changes.. saying that, I am a Brit, living in China, and I use the online gallery to allow my relations in UK to download whatever they fancy, and my Chinese family and friends do the same.. so the "purchase" and things don't come into my world, but good, highest quality does, and at this time, imagevueX is very, very suitable for me. But whatever you put into the 'new' system will be ok, and probably there is SOOOOO much people would like to see that it can't ALL go in.... but on that note, I'd like to wish you all a very happy and prosperous New Year, and hope all your prayers are answered to your satisfaction.. xiexieni from Chengdu
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29 Dec 2009, 02:22

Thanks for the Christmas wishes - Merry Christmas from us in Imagevue also.

We are looking forward to release more surprises after new year, stuff obviously being a bit delayed (as usual). Amongst other things, a new website and then soon the forthcoming major admin upgrade. All for free for existing users of course!

Here is the kickass Christmas animation we spent the last few months creating, hence delaying other important stuff:

(For those who did not see the sarcastic humor above, please let it be known that it was a joke)
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