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Which gallery Layout(s) displays an Up button to allow users to jump to the top of the page?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 21:42
by JMM
Hello, Karl,

I seem to recall that on at least 1 occasion when I was perusing the different gallery layout examples over the last couple of years, that there was at least one X3 gallery layout that displayed an Up button while scrolling down, which if a user clicked on would instantly take them to the top of the page, am I correct?  If so, which gallery layout(s) had that Up button?

My preference for gallery layout is justified, and it would be nice if I could somehow use custom CSS to display an Up button with justified layouts, but would like to try any other layouts that has that Up button.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Which gallery Layout(s) displays an Up button to allow users to jump to the top of the page?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 22:19
by mjau-mjau
There are no specific layouts that display an up-to-top button, because such a function is not layout-specific ... Perhaps you are thinking of the VERTICAL layout, where you can find UP/DOWN buttons that navigate between the images.


This function can only apply for the vertical layout of course, because you can't scroll navigate between images in a grid, or at least it would not work logically.

As for a button "scroll to top", this is entirely unrelated to the content and layout of the page, as it would be used whenever the page is scrolled, regardless of the content on the page. This used to be a popular feature, but it's hardly used any more, because mobile browsers scroll to top by clicking the top of browser, desktop browsers can just use alt+up on keyboard, and trackpads will scroll up easily with a swipe.

Actually, such a button is available in the X3 control panel (bottom right). If you wanted to add this to the X3 website, it would be require some custom html/css/js.

Re: Which gallery Layout(s) displays an Up button to allow users to jump to the top of the page?

Posted: 10 Aug 2023, 22:29
by JMM
Actually, such a button is available in the X3 control panel (bottom right).
After 2 years of using X3, I don't recall ever noticing that button in X3's control panel  :sunglasses:.  Thanks for pointing it out.
Perhaps you are thinking of the VERTICAL layout, where you can find UP/DOWN buttons that navigate between the images.
That could've been what I was thinking of.
Thanks anyway, and have a great day.