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Trying to determine X3 version from outside X3

Posted: 30 May 2023, 08:25
by JMM
Hello, Karl,

I have an intranet site (basically, just a website that only myself on my LAN has access to), so I'm not worried about the public seeing the info that I'm about to ask here.

When running diagnostics, the X3 version is dislayed under Extended Diagnostics.

Is there a file within X3 that contains the X3 version number?  If so, what what would that file be?

I currently have a webpage that only I have access to, that keeps track of my web software & which displays to me what versions I am running.  My PHP code in that page reads in php files & searches for text within those files, so if X3's version number is located in a file, I can then extract that version number  :relaxed:.

I notice a variable that X3 uses ($x3_version), but as I would be running my query from non-X3 sites, I would not have access to $x3_version, so hopefully the version number is located in a file within X3.

Thanks in advance.


Re: Trying to determine X3 version from outside X3

Posted: 30 May 2023, 09:24
by mjau-mjau
Not quite sure what you are trying to do, but indeed the X3 version is stored inside a file /app/ ...
static $version = '3.31.1';