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Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 11:12
by pede
I have a small cosmetic problem with the popup display of photos: On mobile devices, the display of the aperture always appears with a line break.
This happens regardless of whether there is a lot or little space left in the line:
Screenshot_20230109-162959.png (263.84 KiB) Viewed 11078 times

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 09 Jan 2023, 23:38
by mjau-mjau
Interesting. Could you send this photo to me or send me a link for the popup with this image?

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 09:41
by mjau-mjau
I tried the sample images, but can't recreate the problem. Perhaps you have a link?


Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 11:15
by pede
Because the effect does not occur in your environment, I tried other browsers on my Android smartphones.
In fact, the Chrome browser displays the aperture value without a line break, while FireFox and Fennec display it with an extra line.

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 10 Jan 2023, 21:38
by mjau-mjau
So, this issue is ONLY in some Android browsers? I tried your link in basically all desktop browsers, Mac + Windows and iPhone (iOS) but could not recreate what I see in your screenshot. It's probably easy to fix with CSS, but would be good to isolate it the specific platform so I can target the fix properly.

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 11 Jan 2023, 08:09
by pede
So, this issue is ONLY in some Android browsers?
Yes, it seems to affect only some Android browsers on mobile devices, as far as I could test them.
On my desktop PC, the problem does not occur at all.
Thanks for your efforts, especially since it is only small 'cosmetic' problem.

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 11 Jan 2023, 21:45
by mjau-mjau
Ok. I haven't actually tested this, but it should work to simply set CSS white-space: nowrap, which basically tells the element "don't wrap text on multiple lines". Settings > Custom > Custom CSS:
.popup-exif-f_stop {
  white-space: nowrap;
I'm not sure why the text decides to wrap on Android devices, but the above solution should fix it.

Re: Presentation problem of EXIF meta data in popup caption

Posted: 12 Jan 2023, 08:08
by pede
Great, it works with that! Thank you very much!