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Saving Page Settings

Posted: 23 Nov 2022, 13:30
by hpdorn
There seems to be a problem saving the "Page settings" of a folder if the folder contains a specific picture.

If the picture is not in the folder saving the settings is no problem.
If the picture is in the folder then an error occours: "error textStatus: --> error".
Renaming the file does not help.

It seems that something in the picture's Meta-data disturbs the saving.

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 23 Nov 2022, 19:43
by mjau-mjau
Could you send me the photo, so I can test it? Or send me a link to the image in your X3 gallery? Yes it could be related some way to image META.

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 07:33
by hpdorn
The two pictures can be found here:



Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 09:29
by mjau-mjau
I could not reproduce the issue here. See screenshot below, where I changed some text and saved.

It could still be something image META related, but then also PHP related. Do you have an option in your hosting control panel to upgrade to PHP 8.x? Another possibility, is that it could be related to a server firewall rule, that for some reason triggers when these images are included in the dir. Could you try to open browser developer tools, and view the console and network inspector when trying to save? There should be some more clues in terms of the errors that show up.

Optionally, I can diagnose from here if you can provide login to your X3 panel. Thanks.

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 14:56
by hpdorn
Thanks for the answers and hints.

I did the following steps:

- local XAMPP Test environment with PHP 7.4 -> OK

- changed PHP version to 8.1 on my hosting server -> Not OK

- removed all IPTC Meta-Data -> OK

During the test on the hosting server I saw a 403 error in the chrome console:

So it seems that the error is caused by a special IPTC setting. 
I will do further tests, but now I have to look what Brazil is doing at the world championship:-)
Screenshot 2022-11-24 205401.png
Screenshot 2022-11-24 205401.png (92.86 KiB) Viewed 11798 times

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 24 Nov 2022, 23:24
by mjau-mjau
hpdorn wrote:During the test on the hosting server I saw a 403 error in the chrome console:
The issue is almost certainly caused by a Firewall rule (security) on your server. That is why you see a "403 forbidden" response, because that's normally what a firewall would respond. There is something in the image meta IPTC that your server firewall is reacting upon. You should ask your hosting about this ... You could normally ask them to disable a specific rule, or simply disable the firewall under the /panel/* folder, because all actions there are protected by LOGIN anyway.
hpdorn wrote:- local XAMPP Test environment with PHP 7.4 -> OK
Yes, it will work on your localhost, like it also did for me, because it doesn't have the hosting-specific Firewall rule.
hpdorn wrote:- changed PHP version to 8.1 on my hosting server -> Not OK
Yes, because the firewall on your server is enabled regardless of PHP version.
hpdorn wrote:- removed all IPTC Meta-Data -> OK
Yes, because the firewall is triggering on something inside your image meta.

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 25 Nov 2022, 11:46
by hpdorn
The hoster deactivated the special firewall setting and saving the settings worked.

The word "casino" in the ITPC Meta-Data of the foto (foto title) was the problem :confused:.

Thanks a lot for your help :thumbsup:.

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 14:03
by ed_f
:slot_machine::moneybag:  LOL - casino killed my site :-)

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 12:23
by hpdorn

Re: Saving Page Settings

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 12:53
by ed_f
not funny, that "The word "casino" in the ITPC Meta-Data of the foto (foto title)" can make a website defunct??