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Image landing page layout looks broken

09 Jul 2016, 10:42


when I open an image on its landing page (not using popup), the layout looks broken:

Firefox Screenhot:

Chrome Screenhot:

The caption/description is cut off in Firefox and completely invisible in Chrome. The close button is way too large and badly placed. Headline and image are not properly aligned, also I would like the image to be bigger - it looks like a small preview image; no reason for it to be this small on its own page...

I found no options in the backend to style the landing page. How can I fix this?

Here's a link if you'd like to see for yourself: ... haus_2014/

Thanks in advance,
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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

10 Jul 2016, 05:08

There's something very very wrong in your X3 website ... Some script seems to be setting width/positions for several items on the landing page. You have not edited any templates or added anything custom anywhere that might be related? If no, I will need panel login.

The exact same page works perfectly in default X3: ... skin=black
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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

10 Jul 2016, 18:51

Hi Karl,

Thanks in advance for your time and help - I'll send you login details via private message.
I've looked through everything thouroughly once more today but could not find the source of the problem. Somehow one of the Javascripts of Imagevue seems to be adding element styles to the image, close button and title, all the same size and absolute position - I have no idea why. I am not using anything custom other than hiding exif data via display: none;

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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

11 Jul 2016, 02:13

I did some research, and I cannot find anything specific ... strange indeed. Furthermore, it's not even related to the sidebar layout. I won't rule out that it is a bug in X3 somewhere, but it must be triggered by something ... Can you try the following please:

1. By FTP, rename /config/user.config.json to /config/_user.config.json, thus to temporarily disable all custom settings.
2. Go to to force page refresh.
3. Load the same link and see if the issue persists.

At least that would rule out anything in settings. After testing, you can rename the config file back to what it was. If nothing changes, I may need FTP login to diagnose further ...
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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

11 Jul 2016, 07:35

Hi Karl,

I did that, and it looks like it helped. I will now step by step recreate my original configuration and see at what point it breaks - if it does not break again, that's great, if it does, then we probably can narrow down the problem. :)

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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

11 Jul 2016, 08:28

Alrighty, I found the culprit! :)

I renamed the user config as you suggested and the problem went away, so I recreated my old settings from scratch and the problem was still gone. So I compared my new user config with my old backup to see if there's any difference, and there was:

Settings > Page > Folders > Default Layout > Columns

When this is set, the layout breaks as you have seen in my screenshots above. Not sure why I set this - I think I might have experimented with a different menu layout earlier and was not yet sure what this setting did - I still am not 100% certain what it does, but one thing's for sure: It does break the layout, when you set default folder layout to columns.

Thank you very much for helping me fix this problem - it was driving me nuts not know why it worked fine in the demo and so weirdly on my own site... :)

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Re: Image landing page layout looks broken

12 Jul 2016, 02:48

thinkingpixels wrote:Settings > Page > Folders > Default Layout > Columns
Right! I already suspected this, but instead of changing folders->layout in my tests, I changed gallery->layout ... which had no effect.

This is definitely a BUG, that should not affect the "image landing page". I will have it fixed ...
thinkingpixels wrote:I still am not 100% certain what it does, but one thing's for sure: It does break the layout, when you set default folder layout to columns.
This setting is entirely legitimate. It sets the COLUMNS layout as DEFAULT for your folder-items displaying in parent category pages (which contain subfolders/galleries). This setting just decides the "default", which is otherwise overruled by settings you apply on a per-page basis. Furthermore, it only applies to pages that show folders in the layout, for example ... This page is now set to GRID it seems.

Columns might still look nice for your album layouts (as the link above), but until the bug is fixed, you would need to apply the folder columns layout specifically for these pages, instead of setting it as default.