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Re: Site just spinning

14 Apr 2022, 00:43

sound_and_light wrote:I just tried to chat with my host and we got as far as them asking me: "Could you please let me know what type of character encoding are you wish to use in PHP 7.4?"  Which I could not answer at this point.
It's not the server/PHP encoding that is at fault. It's encoding/characters inside IPTC meta data inside one of your images. I'm pretty sure this is what we figured out last time, but I can't remember all this from username vs topic vs private messages emails.
sound_and_light wrote:I don't think the  "No Request Parameters" error is the php version, as it's only happening in one folder.  I mean, I guess php7x could be encountering a problem with only some images in that folder.  Is that possible?  Let me know and I'll change it back to 7x to test.  In 7x, the index page breaks and keeps spinning, but in 5x (and maybe 7x) I have the character encoding issue.
The response "no request parameters" is not descriptive no, but the error is caused by one image. I checked through some private messages, and you also had this exact issue earlier. In my records, you had BOTH issues back then. In either case, it's an issue with one image on that page, surely newly uploaded. It's a bit strange you have differences in PHP versions, but I don't see much point in diagnosing this as it doesn't solve anything.

In conclusion 1) X3 should not break on images with corrupt image data, and 2) You really shouldn't be uploading corrupted images. For example, you could use an app like imageOptim to remove image meta data and compress images at the same time (if required).
sound_and_light wrote:When do you think the fix you're planning will be live?
I can't quite know right now, but it would be at least 4 weeks.
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Re: Site just spinning

15 Apr 2022, 06:28

I did some tests, and it seems previous diagnosis was not entirely correct. I copied ALL images from your "new-york-city" folder into a new hidden directory "new-york-city-2", and the new directory works fine when saving captions. Now you could hide and rename "new-york-city" to "new-york-city-old", and then rename "new-york-city-2" to "new-york-city" problem fixed.

I seem to remember this issue now when discovered last time ... It wasn't images, but simply the folder/name corrupted somehow. How is it possible? I have never seen this before, but there must be a tiny difference in some encoding of the created folder. Either on keyboard input or from server when the folder was created ... seems kinda unbelievable, but there is some tiny corruption or undetectable difference in encoding somewhere, because I simply cloned the folder content and new dir works fine.
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Re: Site just spinning

21 Apr 2022, 10:22

I just went to my panel and tried to add a caption to an image in that new-york-city folder and got the same No Request Parameters error.
Did I understand incorrectly?  I thought when you left it it was working again?  Were you saying I needed to save everything and create a second
folder, then delete the first? 

Also, can I group my left nav folders by decade?  That would help with the length of the nav.

Thanks for all the effort you undertake for this app.  It's really great.
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Re: Site just spinning

21 Apr 2022, 11:54

sound_and_light wrote: I just went to my panel and tried to add a caption to an image in that new-york-city folder and got the same No Request Parameters error.
Did I understand incorrectly?  I thought when you left it it was working again?  Were you saying I needed to save everything and create a second
folder, then delete the first? 
I said I copied all images into new folder new-york-city2 (see "2" at the end) and this folder works fine. See my previous post.
sound_and_light wrote:Also, can I group my left nav folders by decade?  That would help with the length of the nav.
What exactly do you mean? You can create the folder structure exactly as you like, creating folders and moving folders around if necessary. Of course, if you feel it's the right thing for you and your visitors, then you can create "decade" folders and move other folders inside.
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Re: Site just spinning

21 Apr 2022, 14:30

Hmm.  I see the new-york-city-2 folder on the server, but it's not in the nav.  Oh, wait.
It's all the way at the very top!  It's hard to drag it down where it belongs.  Is there
another way?

Regarding the combining of folders as decades.  Good news.

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Re: Site just spinning

21 Apr 2022, 23:16

I only created the hidden folder "new-york-city-2" for testing and for you to see the results. I have now MOVED the folder into 2022, which was the location of the previous dysfunctional "new-york-city" folder.
sound_and_light wrote: Hmm.  I see the new-york-city-2 folder on the server, but it's not in the nav.  Oh, wait.
It's all the way at the very top!  It's hard to drag it down where it belongs.  Is there
another way?
You can DRAG folders on the same level, but if you need to move it into another folder (like 2022), you have to use the MOVE button so that the server actually moves the folder physically. Dragging is just for sorting items on the same level.
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Re: Site just spinning

24 Apr 2022, 16:47


I just moved the working new-york-city-2 folder to where it lives (at the root of content, not in 2022).
Everything was working.  I deleted the bad folder and changed the title back to "new-york-city" on the new one.
I was able to save description changes.  Then, today I started fixing my missing/empty
fields and added two new images.  Now again I cannot save.  I looked at the fields and didn't see bad characters.
I deleted the two new images and still cannot save. I took the "page.json" file and ran it through several json formatter/validators and don't see any errors being flagged.

I see this though: (SAUL LOEB\/AFP\/Getty Images)  Are these ok: \/   ?
This is really frustrating.  I get it so everything is working, then after a bit it's back to throwing that error.
I'm just doing two things: 1) adding titles and descriptions; and 2) uploading images.  These images and some of the
copy are from Facebook.  Could that be the problem?  Have you run into any issues with facebook images or text?

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Re: Site just spinning

25 Apr 2022, 00:34

sound_and_light wrote:I just moved the working new-york-city-2 folder to where it lives (at the root of content, not in 2022).
I'm not sure what you moved or deleted. There is still the "new-york-city-2" folder that I created, and initially moved, and it works fine. Now I see there is another "new-york-city" folder, but I don't really know where you got that from.

It's a bit unclear what you have done. Since you won't be using the /2022/new-york-city-2/ folder, we can use it for some testing as that folder currently works. Please try to 1. change a few title and descriptions, and 2. upload a few new images. Track progress and see if we can find exactly where it fails. Does it fail after upload (try to save), or does it only fail AFTER you edit titles/descriptions?
sound_and_light wrote:I deleted the two new images and still cannot save. I took the "page.json" file and ran it through several json formatter/validators and don't see any errors being flagged.
As noted in my response a week ago, this doesn't seem related to characters, at least not meta EXIF/IPTC from the images, else it would not work when I copied all the files into new folder. It some corruption either on the folder itself, or something you input into titles, although that sounds unlikely.
sound_and_light wrote:I see this though: (SAUL LOEB\/AFP\/Getty Images)  Are these ok: \/   ?
This is really frustrating.  I get it so everything is working, then after a bit it's back to throwing that error.
I'm just doing two things: 1) adding titles and descriptions; and 2) uploading images.  These images and some of the
copy are from Facebook.  Could that be the problem?  Have you run into any issues with facebook images or text?
Yes it's frustrating! I don't think it's any of the above.

Let me know what you find by testing as suggested above, and then let's take it from there.
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Re: Site just spinning

15 Jun 2022, 10:40

Hi Karl,

I'm sorry, I haven't been able to look into this.  Any chance that update you mentioned is live and I can try
to install it and see if it fixes the problem?

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Re: Site just spinning

16 Jun 2022, 03:07

sound_and_light wrote:Any chance that update you mentioned is live and I can try
to install it and see if it fixes the problem?
I'm actually not sure what update you are referring to. It would have helped if you responded to my previous post, because that would have helped diagnose, while I remember the issue and while we are on it. If I quickly browse this post, it seems there it could be related to PHP version, and in my last reply I had copied all images to new location so it was not directly related to images either.

Do you have the issue now? Then we need to diagnose it. I need to know what causes it if I am to fix it.
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Re: Site just spinning

03 Aug 2022, 11:06

Hi Karl,

I have a bit of time now to focus on this.  I cannot make text changes (e.g., title, description) to the images in the New York City folder.  I am able to upload a new image to that folder and if I reload it's still there, but any text changes I try to save give me that "Error: No request parameters?"

I think it's a good idea to find out where the break is happening, text or images, but I can't change any text now.

Thanks, Eric
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Re: Site just spinning

04 Aug 2022, 02:16

sound_and_light wrote:I am able to upload a new image to that folder and if I reload it's still there, but any text changes I try to save give me that "Error: No request parameters?"
Is this for all folders or just one folder? Do you have link and login for me again so I can diagnose properly? I can't say anything about this by just reading the error message.
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Re: Site just spinning

07 Aug 2022, 17:04

I tried three other folders and was able to successfully edit titles, so assuming it's just that one.
un: $peed_Drag0n
pw: @D3vil*2021

Thanks, Eric
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Re: Site just spinning

07 Aug 2022, 23:42

This conversation is moving too slowly to be productive. It was 3 months ago that I created "new-york-city-2" folder (see my reply), copied in the files from the original dir, and everything was working fine. As I understand, you later on moved and renamed the folder again? And was it still working? At what point did it stop working? Surely this is the most important information.

I have currently duplicated your dir into new hidden dir /new-york-city-copy/, and you can change titles and descriptions. I then uploaded a new image, edited titles, and everything still works. Basically, you need to trace your steps on exactly where this /new-york-city-copy/ fails. It's not just "uploading images". Either the images are corrupted, or there is some corruption in your network/firewall somewhere. If I can re-produce the issue from here, we have come a long way.
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Re: Site just spinning

08 Aug 2022, 11:44

I see the "new-york-city-copy" via FTP, but I don't see it here:
so how do I edit it and test for where it's breaking?