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Purchase functionality

22 Sep 2009, 09:31


i am using the older version of imagevue and just installed the new x2 version ( here i found the purchase link in the settings and, after activate it, on my site. but where i have to set the purchase system.

or in other words: how is it working in general? i didnt found something about this so far so i am asking.

thanks a lot,

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23 Sep 2009, 06:42

Good question - Everything isnt that well documented ... Also, just to make one thing clear - "purchase" is not any advanced e-commerce system. It simply allows you to create a new button or event, that can link to an image/item to an external page, for example a paypal checkout page.

1. First, go to admin -> settings -> attributes.image, add the purchase item.

2. Now, when navigating to an image/file under the management tab, you will see a new field "purchase". Here you can add external links specifically for that item. This may a link to for example a payment processor, with specific parameters for that item.

3. Finally, you need to enable the "purchase" button. Go to admin -> settings -> image.imagebuttons.buttons. Add the "purchase" item. This will create a new "purchase" button in your imagebuttons which displays when rolling over the image.

Optionally, you can also set this event to display in descriptions or even in maincontrols.
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26 Sep 2009, 18:17

Hi Karl,

I'd like to be able to link the "purchase" button to a Paypal payment (including a Paypal "Add to Basket" button I created with 3 options : 20x30, 30x45 and 50x75 (which correspond to the printout sizes I suggest)).

Thus, I would imagine to dynamically link the purchase button to the payment page this way (for instance) :
Code<? echo $Photo_ID ?>
with Photo_ID = variable containing the absolute or relative path to the thumbnail of the wanted photo. This way, I could retrieve the path and display the picture thumbnail in the purchase.html web page next to my "Add to Basket" Paypal button.

So,the question is : is Photo_ID (or whatever his name) an existing and available variable I could use ? If not, can I suggest you to add it in a next release ?

Sorry if my question looks stupid if a more efficient/simple solution exists ;)

Thanks in advance
Pascal B.

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27 Sep 2009, 00:28

Interesting to mention that this crossed my mind too, but this is not implemented yet.
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06 Oct 2009, 23:08

Sorry, what is "purchase.html" and where do you get that from?
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Imagevue Hitman
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07 Oct 2009, 01:44

He just mean to have templates for links. Purchase.php or asp or whaetever, so all images just having one link but the filename is being replaced accordingly.
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14 Oct 2009, 11:39

ok, so basically we create some advanced method in the swf, and when asked how to use it, we tell users they gotta code their own payment page somehow that intercepts the data...?

Dont you think this should be part of a wholesome basic "e-commerce" solution instead?
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good point - searching a purchase method too...

30 Nov 2009, 13:32

my client just asked me if it would be possible to collect some pics from his album to order some of them.
Maybe a shop is too tricky, but to collect or mark some pics for an order could be an elegant solution.

The selection could be mailed to the photographer. The list should show the names of the pics - maybe also a link to them, if he renamed them and isn ´t sure which pic it was.
Actually I got a client who is a photographer but also rules a shop, where he developes his pics. So he shoots for example a "wedding" and afterwards people would like to order from this stunning website (imagevue).

this would be an amazing feature - wow!!! :D
Pedro Tirolo
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08 Dec 2009, 02:55

yea, i think there are several ways we could improve the gallery for photographers so they can create better services for their clients. Thanks for the tip ...