
X3 Photo Gallery Support Forums

Topic Author
Posts: 8
Joined: 09 Apr 2008, 15:38


09 Apr 2008, 15:53

i edited sitemenu ini:[SITEMENU]

color = 000000
opacity = 30
height = auto
menumargin = 5
buttonhmargin = 20
buttonvmargin = 3
buttongap = 1
startmargin = 30
font = false
fontsize = 13
fontcolor = ffffff
soundfx = true
align = center
autohide = false
autohidemenutext = Menà¼
autohidemenuopacity = 100


link1 = Startseite
link1rollover = tooltip
link1rolloverdata = Seite neu laden
link1click = _self
link1clickdata = http://www.XXX

link2 = Impressum
link2rollover = tooltip
link2rolloverdata = Dan Len<br> Detmold<br><br>Tel:711<br><br>Dies ist eine private Homepage die keinerlei kommerzielle Zwecke verfolgt.<br><br>Rechtliches: Alle hier gezeigten Bilder sind MEIN EIGENTUM und urheberrechtlich geschà¼tzt.<br>Sie dà¼rfen NICHT ohne meine AUSDRÃœCKLICHE persà¶nliche Einwilligung genutzt werden
link2click = _self
link2clickdata = false

link3 = Kontakt
link3rollover = tooltip
link3rolloverdata = <b>Mail: d.len</b>
link3click = _self
link3clickdata =

link4 = Ãœber mich / Das Shooting
link4rollover = false
link4rolloverdata = false
link4click = _self
link4clickdata =

and config ini:


globalpath = false
contentfolder = false
singlelevel = false
folder = false
directimage = false
text = lang.ini
startheading = Holger Preiß Photographie
startimage = startimage.jpg
swflayer = false
startimagekeep = false
imagearea = FFFFFF
startfx = blur
textcol = 34507A
bgcol = FFFFFF
barcol = false
menucol = bgcol,textcol
backimage = background.swf
backalign = M
sfx = true
audio = false
audiopath = mp3/
emptyaudio = mp3alt/
audiorepeat = 0
audioinit = true
startvolume = 70
audiostyle = linear
loopinterval = 30
audioextension = mp3
audioinfo = id3
foldersorting = na
imagesorting = dd
navigation = 1,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,0
controlsdefpos = 523,446,523,446
altnav = true
keycontrols = true
subbuttons = below
subbuttonsfilename = true
hideimage = true
imagenavigationpane = true
imageclicklink = thumbs
altimage = false
imagepopinfo = 1,1,0,0,0,0
imagerightclick = 1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1
shiftimageclicklink = popup
backrightclick = 1,1,1
tooltipcol = textcol,bgcol
transitions = shine
showfolderdescriptions = 0,0,0,1
descriptions = startopenifdescription
descriptionattributes = false
descriptionscol = bgcol,textcol
hideextension = true
showmenu = true
menuopen = false
dragmenu = false
startclick = true
imagenavidefpos = 680,25,auto,auto
motioninit = false
motionspeed = 1
thumbstart = true
thumbopenwin = slideshow
thumbrightclick = 1,1,1,1,1
shiftthumbclicklink = popup
thumbattribs = 0,0,0
thumbattribscol = bgcol,textcol
thumbpopinfo = 0,1,0,0,0,0
thumbattribpopinfo = 1,1,1,1,1
thumbfx = whitetint,100,3
thumbframe = false,false
lowrespopup = false
popupstyle = slideshow
popmargin = 10
popdisplay = 1,1,1,1,1,1
serverextension = php
slideshowpopupconfig = slideshowpopupconfig.ini
slideshowimagevueconfig = slideshowimagevueconfig.ini
sitemenu = sitemenu.ini
configfile =
popped =

cant see the menu.
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X3 Wizard
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Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 03:37

11 Apr 2008, 03:11

Can I see the link to your gallery?
Posts: 2
Joined: 13 Apr 2008, 09:58

13 Apr 2008, 10:36

Hi, I am new to this, but couldnt help noticing an umlaut over the 'u' in Menu? Im not german so I am not sure if this is normal.
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X3 Wizard
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Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 03:37

14 Apr 2008, 11:21

Umlauts should not be a problem if you use quotes:
link2rolloverdata = "à»à¼à¹"

It might be the problem if you are not including values with these characters within "quotes" though ...
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Joined: 26 Sep 2009, 17:40

27 Sep 2009, 20:16

where is the sitemenu.ini to even edit?
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X3 Wizard
Posts: 14003
Joined: 30 Sep 2006, 03:37

28 Sep 2009, 07:10

dannis wrote:where is the sitemenu.ini to even edit?
The sitemenu is a module for the old version - Imagevue V1. As is this specific forum.

My guess is that you are using Imagevue X2.