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Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 17 Nov 2013, 13:08
by alexhenes
I can consistently produce this on Nexus7, Nexus10 and HTC Incredible 2

1. Pull up
2. Select any picture folder
3. Select a picture from the thumbnail screen
4. Full picture is successfully displayed
5. Hit the browser back button (not the Imagevuex back button)
6. Thumbnail screen is successfully displayed... however nothing happens when I click on a thumbnail.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 10:47
by alexhenes
Is this version of IV still being supported? I saw that you guys are making progress on X3... just wondering if X2 is in it's final build. Would be nice to have this issue addressed

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 25 Nov 2013, 23:31
by mjau-mjau
I asked Nick to take a look at it, problem being that these issues are really hard to diagnose, caused by phone-native issues and likely related to the jquerymobile platform. We are indeed looking forward to avoid separating the gallery into separate technology platforms for separate devices with Imagevue X3.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 28 Nov 2013, 07:44
by Nick
Sorry I need to look into it, unfortunately I can't promise a quick fix. This turned out a bit tricky.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 18 Dec 2013, 00:34
by alexhenes
Thanks Nick... any luck on finding a fix?

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 18 Jan 2014, 23:36
by alexhenes
Bump.... Would be great if this could be fixed... Pretty much makes the mobile site useless when the users hits the back button... Which is fairly common.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 26 Jan 2014, 11:07
by alexhenes
Is anybody out there?

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 26 Jan 2014, 23:30
by mjau-mjau
At this point, we are not able to diagnose jqueryMobile-issues native to specific phones. All our time is going into new X3 version, which essentially is a fix itself.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 26 Jan 2014, 23:48
by alexhenes
Thanks Karl...

This issue is repeatable on at least 3 different platforms. In addition... if the current Imagevue platform is no longer being maintained... it would be nice to have specifics on when X3 will be implemented.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 07:02
by jasonburns
I have this problem too.

I've tested this on both android chrome browser and iPhone Safari with the same problems as mentioned.

Its disappointing as I purchased the software specifically to save me having to write a cross platform image gallery myself. :cry: I do understand bugs and that time is required to solve them, but a basic feature like displaying pictures on all supported platforms is just nuts.

The software is great. I LOVE it on the pc platform but my website will be useless without mobile browsing, and i'm now scouring the net for a replacement?

It would be great if a solution could be found guys.. I would be happy to beta test for you...

best regards,

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 07:35
by mjau-mjau
We have been working on a new version Imagevue X3, which is a different concept/design than X2, but it does eliminate the bug you are referring to nevertheless. The "mobile version" that is available for Imagevue X2, was launched just after the mobile device revolution we saw a few years ago as an "improved solution" for Imagevue on mobile devices. It is built on a jqueryMobile platform, and the results are in some cases somewhat buggy and almost impossible to fix. This will change with Imagevue X3.

You can read more about forthcoming Imagevue X3 here:

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 02 Apr 2014, 09:45
by jasonburns

thanks for the reply mjau-mjau, its appreciated.

I'll look forward to when X3 is available and buying an upgrade.

In the meantime, I'm going to see if I can fix it myself. The rest of the package is outstanding. I'm actually putting a front end onto it, so I can register users and they can upload their own content. It was a great starting point for my project.

I'll update later if i have any luck.. :)


Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 03:20
by jasonburns
I found what i think is a big clue.. After a few searches on stackoverflow, I found some people having similar issues with the mobile interface on other software. One persons advice was to replace jquery with zepto(a leaner version of jquery).

I replaced the /public_html/imagevue/iv-includes/assets/jquery-mobile/



Now, the thumbs do not display or display in the wrong place. What you see where a thumb should be is the background 'image loading' icon, but tapping it works and brings up the full size image. You can go back and forth with the back buttons(which is what usually fails with the current software after a few tries), and it never fails to recognise the 'tap' or click.. After a little searching I think the issue is something to do with the 'ui-li-thumb' class, but my knowledge of complex javascript is limited so i feel i can go no further.

Is this worth looking into? There must be a lot of users with the same problem. Perhaps you could have brief look at it mjau-mjau?. As you know the code, you might fix it in a jiffy. I do understand that it may not be that easy, but i think the clue i've supplied could help.. i hope so... :)

You'll see on my attachments. The main menu thumbs all end up in the top left corner



Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 04 Apr 2014, 03:48
by mjau-mjau
Problem is, the code is native to the jqueryMobile platform, and its not apparent for us what the problem is ... I do find it incredible that its not fixed from their side ... My guess is that that platform will not be used much in the future, as device-agnostic and responsive design is more effective (like Imagevue X3). The short answer is that Imagevue X3 will be the fix for this issue ... Besides that, its really not easy to diagnose because it works fine on iOS devices which I am using ...

You have an option to use "list" layout instead of thumbnails layout, although that is not a solution strictly speaking of course.

Re: Mobile Site: Can't click on thumbnails

Posted: 08 Apr 2014, 04:01
by Nick
I am afraid there is not much future in this mobile version and certainly changing jQuery to zepto won't help. Your best bet is to hold on until the release of a new version.