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Safe backup of all my Gallery data

Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 08:08
by amanuensis
Can anyone please assist me in suggesting the best way to safely back up my gallery - I have such a lot of time, effort, and images in the gallery, to lose them would be a disaster.

Is it just as simple as duplicating the gallery folder and all of its contents, compressing the folder then moving it to another server or other safe place?
or is there a more automated way to do this?

Re: Safe backup of all my Gallery data

Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 09:01
by Nick
I believe the best way would be to check if there is an automated backup on your server, other than this - here are some solutions in google:

Safe backup of all my Gallery data

Posted: 07 Feb 2013, 09:16
by Martin
You could use a sync program like Allway Sync.

With that you can sync your site through FTP with a folder on your computer...

I use it and I think it works great...