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Scroll Down Button Behavior

18 Apr 2020, 11:40

Hi Karl,

I'm not sure whether the following is a bug or "works as designed" so I decided to ask my question here in the "questions" section.

When I open the demo site on (with slidemenu) and click on the scroll down button in the bottom the page will scroll down, but not far enough in order to see the scroll up button. To scroll up again I have to manually scroll down a bit further to the bottom (maybe 20 pixels or so) and then the scroll up button appears. I can reproduce this with my own site and with the demo site on my PC, tablet and smartphone as well as with different browsers (Chrome, Firefox, IE).

Is this the way the scroll down/up functionality is supposed to work? Or is this a bug?

To be honest, my expectation when pressing the scroll down button is to be forwarded to the very end/bottom of the page with the scroll up button directly visible.

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Re: Scroll Down Button Behavior

18 Apr 2020, 23:18

No, that is definitely not how the "intro"-plugin scroll button is supposed to work. The POINT of the "scroll-down" button, is to scroll down BELOW the intro , to reveal MORE page content ... NOT to scroll to bottom of page. What would be the point of that for the visitor?

The concept of "scroll down" for intro's (image intro, slideshow intro), is widely used concept on many websites. The POINT is to make it clear to the visitor that there is more content on page BELOW the intro section. Even if it's not clicked, the arrow itself is an indicator that tells the visitor there is more content below. The REASON why it's used in intro plugins, is because intro's are often set to 100% HEIGHT, which means some users don't know there is more content below the intro ... 

Makes sense?