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Mobile tabs bug

30 Mar 2020, 05:40

Hello Karl

You did a really great job! It came just in time: Now the problem with the SEO title and the SEO description has been solved perfectly! And the other things look very good! Will also try the automatic KRPANO panorama detection soon. Thanks a lot!!

However, I came across one small but more serious problem on mobile devices (iphone 6 and Broser Chrome, Safari and Firefox):

If I call a page with a TAB navigation via the Hamburg menu, everything works perfectly. If I then do a page refresh in the mobile browser, I can tap

on the different tabs. However, the content displayed is always that of the first tab! It looks like a trigger doesn't work there. There is also this effect if I jump directly to this page from an external website via deep link. Everything always seems to work perfectly on desktop websites. Will send you the link and access code via direct notification.

Thanks again for your work and best regards from Basel!
<section class="tabs-container tabs-style-2 tabs-radius tabs-anim tabs-color-active">

<ul class="tabs vertical" data-tab="">
<li class="tab-title active"><a href="#panel1">Einleitung</a></li>
<li class="tab-title"><a href="#panel2">Warum Access?</a></li>
<li class="tab-title"><a href="#panel3">Lösungen</a></li>

<div class="tabs-content vertical">
<div class="content active" id="panel1">
  ....Content 1
<div class="content" id="panel2">
  ....Content 2
<div class="content" id="panel3">
  ....Content 3
<!-- End tabs container -->
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Re: Mobile tabs bug

30 Mar 2020, 06:56

Hi Thomas.

I did test your website, and I can confirm the bug on iPhone/iPad. I have actually seen this bug before, but it is yet unresolved. The good news of course is that it will work for any pages that are navigated to from the menu, and since your visitors will normally arrive from the /home/ page, it will mostly always work.

Of course, it's still a bug, and I will look into it. Unfortunately, there is no current "fix" for this issue ... I did actually look into it earlier, but couldn't immediately find the cause. Sorry for the inconvenience related to this!
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Re: Mobile tabs bug

30 Mar 2020, 10:27

Hi Karl 

Could it be a Java script problem? I just tested the following JavaScript-free solution with my mobile 

In this example with the tabs BERLIN, LONDON, PARIS everything works perfectly on my mobille..

In my opinion, this could actually indicate that a script is not executed when it is called directly oder after a refresh?
If I were a web programmer and not just a database developer, I would try to incorporate this CSS-free TAB system as a work-around ;-)

Wish you much success!
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Re: Mobile tabs bug

31 Mar 2020, 02:12

PS! I posted this reply yesterday, but it was removed after I updated the forums database today, so I had to re-post!
trpgforum wrote:Could it be a Java script problem?
Yes it is a javascript problem.
trpgforum wrote:I just tested the following JavaScript-free solution with my mobile In this example with the tabs BERLIN, LONDON, PARIS everything works perfectly on my mobille..
Yes, well there are hundreds of tabs plugins around, and of course they are supposed to work, also on mobile devices. They work fine in X3 also, when navigating from the menu, but as noted, there is a bug on touch devices when refresh the page.

X3 uses Foundation 5, and the foundation 5 tabs plugin. It should work fine, but there is something interfering.
trpgforum wrote:In my opinion, this could actually indicate that a script is not executed when it is called directly oder after a refresh?
Yes, you would think it's something simple, but I could not locate the problem when I checked. If it was simple, or just that the script didn't "trigger", I would have fixed it. I will need to dig a bit deeper. Thing is, it's likely related to some kinda "touch"-related issue, and not the script not triggering or anything.
trpgforum wrote:If I were a web programmer and not just a database developer, I would try to incorporate this CSS-free TAB system as a work-around ;-)
Yes, you could do that as the mechanics are pretty simple. I could help. However, it wouldn't automatically inherit the styles/layouts of the X3 tabs (one of which you are using). You would need to create your own styles (CSS) with a separate html structure for the tabs.