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Title size in the context module

16 Apr 2016, 04:50


Maybe I miss something, how can I change the title size for the context module.

I can change it for the folder module and the gallery module but not for the context module.

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Re: Title size in the context module

16 Apr 2016, 09:27

Although I hear what you are saying, this has a somewhat logical explanation:

- For folders- and gallery modules, there are multiple layouts available (grids, columns, vertical etc). The font-size of the title in each list layout would depend on the layout you select. For example, vertical should have relatively large titles, while a tight grid should have relatively small titles. Therefore, somewhat reluctantly, we had to add a title-size for these modules.

- The context module on the other hand, is basically a static layout that just follows the style X3 layout and skin. We can't really add panel-settings to resize all page-elements, as that would be confusing. Especially since its CSS, and many of the values are "responsive" (meaning, like the context page title, it scales depending on screen size mobile/desktop etc.)

You can in fact moderate the context title size by editing the font string in your settings -> style -> font. For example:
Although the following docs are outdated, you can moderate some styles as explained:

Important! If you are gonna use the method explained above, please wait for the pending release (available within a few days)! There is a small bug with the size-moderators, that nullifies bold/italic.

It has to be mentioned, the above method is a bit impractical and likely we will deprecate it in the future.

Your other option is to use custom CSS. For example:
h1.title {
  font-size: 4em;
Just keep in mind, your font size will not be responsive any more (although unlikely it is matters much).

In fact, in the future, we might make a special css section available from panel, where you can easily edit values for obvious items like page title, subheader etc.