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Display Content of Folder

10 Mar 2021, 08:45


I haven't worked for a longer time with X3...

My Problem now is, that i want to display the content (text) of a folder where also a subfolder is included...


Menu A
Menu B
- Folder B.1
-- Subfolder B.1.1

with a click on "Folder B.1" the Content (Text) of the Folder should be displayed and the menu should expand and show the subfolder...

I hope you understand what I mean...


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Re: Display Content of Folder

10 Mar 2021, 21:55

I can't say I entirely understand the question. A page (which is a folder) will by default always display 1. title + page content (text/html), 2. folders (any subfolders of the page) and 3. gallery (all images uploaded to the page).
Coolhand wrote:My Problem now is, that i want to display the content (text) of a folder where also a subfolder is included...
X3 will always display the content (text) of the current page, and will also display all child subfolders of the page.
Coolhand wrote:Example:

Menu A
Menu B
- Folder B.1
-- Subfolder B.1.1

with a click on "Folder B.1" the Content (Text) of the Folder should be displayed and the menu should expand and show the subfolder...
The content (text) of the page will definitely display. If you are not experiencing this, I will need a link. As for the menu, I assume you are using SIDEBAR? The sidebar menu will only expand if the visitor expands it. It will not expand automatically outside of the visitors control, for example to automatically highlight current page. However, the visitor will normally navigate from the menu anyway, so the expand-state of the menu would normally highlight the current page.
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Re: Display Content of Folder

11 Mar 2021, 03:47

Good morning,

Yes, I am using the sidebar menu. 
After I changed it to Topbar center everything works fine...

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Re: Display Content of Folder

12 Mar 2021, 10:14

THmm, well.. the problem isn’t solved..

May you take a look at .

In the menu you will find „Geschwader“ with the subfolder „1. SG“ (and so on...)
There are different reactions of the menu for a Tablet and an Computer. 

With a Computer you can click at „1.SG“ and a Page will open with text, but with a Tablet it only shows the subfolder.

Is there any way - for a tablet or any other mobile device - to display the text of the folder „1. SG“?


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Re: Display Content of Folder

12 Mar 2021, 23:48

Coolhand wrote:In the menu you will find „Geschwader“ with the subfolder „1. SG“ (and so on...)
There are different reactions of the menu for a Tablet and an Computer. 
Yes of course, because you are using the TOPBAR menu with dropdowns based on mouse HOVER, and this is not applicable for mobile devices. Not only does it not fit at all, but touch devices cannot rely on mouse-hover. Therefore, mobile devices will use the SLIDEMENU, which is practical for mobile/touch users. In the sldiemenu menu, which cannot display subfolders on mouse-hover, opening sub-sections requires CLICK and therefore the click must toggle open/close the parent menu item. How would you have it work? Would you want the page "" to open when the visitor clicks it, even if they just want to expand the menu to view subfolders?
Coolhand wrote:Is there any way - for a tablet or any other mobile device - to display the text of the folder „1. SG“?
Yes, but this is a "logical" approach that you need to decide upon. Some users choose to HIDE the subfolders for some items on mobile devices, which means that the menu will show "1. SG" without subfolders. When the visitor then clicks "1. SG", they will find all subfolders within the page itself.
This will effectively force your visitors to FIRST visit "1. SG" before selecting subfolders.