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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

06 Dec 2014, 11:18

Was a visual bug in V0.6 that required a fix. See here:
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Bulletproof IT
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

06 Dec 2014, 11:38

Q0? htaccess - Yep. Was simply a query re: what was (and was not operational in there. Do not worry, I will experiment.

Q1. Title / Logo. Well when I threw 3 and 4 words in, only 2 were displayed (all other settings were default).
I entered: One Two Three Four. Only "One Two" was displayed. So.... yes, it only displays Two (2) words delimited by a " " (space) as per the default logo/title and associated config.

Q2. Q1 is "site: title: Flame Pix. This is the default description (Q: Possibility for dynamic and use variables?). My question in Q2 is about the next row "site: description: xxxxx # Default Description".
So as I said, I cannot see it on the front-end. Even if viewing source - nothing is there.

Q3. Website Title (Greeting Earthling) is configured via the "1.Index". Great. All I needed to know. I thought it was perhaps default title in global settings (as per previous Q's) and Welcome (x2 comparison) may have had no title. Thank you.

Q4. The title was simply an example. An example is just an example. Please do not take it to heart - I am simply trying to provide an example that you can relate to and understand for a suggestion - setting a static Suffix either Global, or if changed in a gallery, then overrides the global suffix... It is quite obvious when "Hello Earthling" is displayed, that you should not have to go to EVERY gallery and set the title to include your site name too. So.... You should have a value in your SITE: settings, for "site: sitetitle: Fred Blogs' Gallery # Default Gallery Title (suffix) | " to do as was possible in X2 (the current gallery name + site title): Holiday 2014 | Fred Blogs' Gallery...
Make sense? So you can have this "site: sitetitle: Karl's Business Portfolio" and it would display as a suffix on ALL page titles. E.g. All websites I am aware of add a suffix to the page titles - "About the Imagevue Team - Karl's Business Portfolio Ltd" (Karl's Business Portfolio Ltd = Suffix on all pages)

Q5. Solved. :)

Q6. Great. I meant to also mention: "Firstname" to "First Name", and "Username" to "User Name".
Warning! More modification requests will follow! :P

Q7. Solved. :D

Q8. Ahhh "/Assets/" on the left hand tree structure. So within a gallery:
gallery : frame hover text-center scrollnav landscape items:title,date,preview assets:examples/assets title-small
This (in bold) is saying, the assets for this gallery are located: 3.examples/assets/. So the numeric value is omitted from all references? (e.g. 1.index/data/assets/ = "assets:index/data/assets" correct?

Q35. BTW, that major error was due to the Site Settings Date (3rd option under site:). I entered the date. I had also tried Ymd and Y.m.d which all resulted in errors. I would recommend adding an example value for this field and what it is used for!

Cheers Karl!
Thank you for your time. ;)

p.s. Amended the loooong Q's below to summarise.
mjau-mjau wrote:
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 1 site: title: Flame Pix.. Only displays 2 words (space delimited)...
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 2 site: description: # Default description. not visible in source.
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 3 site: global-title / titlesuffix and Greetings Earthling is where?
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 4 Site title included in all galleries and navigation pages (as above in Q3). Gallery.TitlePrefix + Gallery Name + Gallery.NameSuffix...
Site Prefix: Portfolio
Site Suffix: Fred Blogs' Gallery
Example Page Title: Portfolio - 2014 Holidays » Bermuda Triangle | Fred Blogs' Gallery
Or even be reversed. "Bermuda Triangle « 2014 Holidays"
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 5 Comments within Config.php confusing / ambiguous re: MySQL DB auth.
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 6 Spelling on admin creation. Congratulations message on admin creation.
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 7 Irregularities
Bulletproof IT wrote:QUESTION 8 "3.Example" gallery content location and how it differs to the "2.Gallery" content location (not in the "gallery" tab next to the "page" tab).
You are welcome!
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

06 Dec 2014, 12:12

Bulletproof IT wrote:Q1. Title / Logo. Well when I threw 3 and 4 words in, only 2 were displayed (all other settings were default).
I entered: One Two Three Four. Only "One Two" was displayed. So.... yes, it only displays Two (2) words delimited by a " " (space) as per the default logo/title and associated config.
That issue is only limited when you have "logo-3d" class enabled ... If not, it works fine with any amount of words:
Bulletproof IT wrote:Q2. Q1 is "site: title: Flame Pix. This is the default description (Q: Possibility for dynamic and use variables?). My question in Q2 is about the next row "site: description: xxxxx # Default Description".
So as I said, I cannot see it on the front-end. Even if viewing source - nothing is there.
That is because it is not used for any pages that have their own description, and only acts as a fallback for <meta property="og:description" content="...: ?> if page description is empty. Besides, this description may be used for integration with 3rd party services in the future that often require a general "site description".
Bulletproof IT wrote:Q4. Make sense? So you can have this "site: sitetitle: Karl's Business Portfolio" and it would display as a suffix on ALL page titles. E.g. All websites I am aware of add a suffix to the page titles - "About the Imagevue Team - Karl's Business Portfolio Ltd" (Karl's Business Portfolio Ltd = Suffix on all pages)
Yes, we have been thinking of this earlier and may consider it. For now though, we don't want to complicate settings ...
Bulletproof IT wrote:Q8. Ahhh "/Assets/" on the left hand tree structure. So within a gallery:
gallery : frame hover text-center scrollnav landscape items:title,date,preview assets:examples/assets title-small
This (in bold) is saying, the assets for this gallery are located: 3.examples/assets/. So the numeric value is omitted from all references? (e.g. 1.index/data/assets/ = "assets:index/data/assets" correct?
Bulletproof IT wrote:Q35. BTW, that major error was due to the Site Settings Date (3rd option under site:). I entered the date. I had also tried Ymd and Y.m.d which all resulted in errors. I would recommend adding an example value for this field and what it is used for!
Ok. This is in fact a field for an actual date (formatted any way you like), and not for setting the date format. This is not really an important setting, but it will set a default date for pages that don't have a date. The reason we have this, is simply if you have some listing showing dates (blog, gallery, etc), and you did not set a date explicitly for a page, it will use ... We can extract a date from the server also, but this date is when the page is UPDATED, so might not reflect nicely on a blog page where you simply want to change a word, or a gallery where you just want to update an image.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

06 Dec 2014, 17:03

Oh my god, Karl. I love your work.
Uploaded, extracted and it simply works!
In my opinion v0.6 is even slightly faster than the previous betas.

Keep it up! I really appreciate what you (and your team?) did so far.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

08 Dec 2014, 19:45

I have not proof read this, but should all be ok.

Browsing for files to upload.
When browsing for media, the file types drop-down (windows) says "All Files *.*"
Are you able to eliminate any confusion for people by having it only display *.111; *.222; *.xxx in the bottom right corner of the file browser/picker? (being example file types)
This would then hide file types not permitted and display fewer items to scroll through (or view in Thumbnail mode).

Allow more file types.
Adjust install.php on two lines (Line 62 + Line 69). Update array.
$content = array('rar','zip','txt','pdf','jpg','jpeg','png','gif','bmp','psd','flv','mp4');
$content = array('jpg','jpeg','png','gif','bmp','psd','flv','mp4','avi','mp3','wav','pdf','rar','zip','7z','tar','tar.gz','tgz','doc','docx','xls','xlsx','rtf','txt');

Do you plan to add some sort of feedback during file upload? (1 or 50 remaining,..... 11 of 50 remaining....... 25 of 50 remaining...... 39 of 50 remaining..... and so on. Optionally with a progress bar? Currently you don't know if it is doing anything or not.
Just something that provide real-time feedback that something is occuring.
- File Name Uploaded
- Progress Bar
- % Progress
- Total Files Remaining / Completed
- Total File Size Remaining / Completed

(All optional of course, but at least one required.)

Q1. Is there an option (syntax) to determine the file sorting to present the files in?? (Page Tab > "gallery: assets: xxx/xxx/xxx")

Q2a. Is there an option to set "Manual" drag and drop sorting (as per X2) for files within the "Gallery" tab?? (/panel/#gallery)
Options should include: Name (asc/dec)

Q2b. Currently you can only do A-Z via Name (not Z-A) and the same with Date sort.

Q3. Why does it always default to the last sort? Is it possible not to revert to the default sort (A-Z) when entering a new gallery??
Although I think the real problem is making a distinction between Admin preview sorting and how the front-end displays the items in the gallery (e.g. front-end sorting). So there may need to be two separate options!
Option 1: Gallery Sort Display (for visitor)
Option 2: Sort By (for admin)

Q4. Come to think of it.... I don't think the file sort by name even works!
I have: 1044.......png, 1044......png, 1036.....png, 1620.....png, 1075.......png
So they do not appear to be displaying in the correct order.
See screenshot:

Q1. When renaming a file, could you please change it so that it pre-fills the rename input box with the current file name? e.g. [__Example.Photo.2014.12.01-1283829___] .png

Q2. Well done with the extension being preserved when entering the new name. :D
Could you please add a label on the RHS (right) of the input field and place the extension between the input field and the Cancel button.(as a way of confirming which the extension is being preserved)?

Q3. When renaming a file, pressing enter does not seem to do anything. You must physically click [Rename] for it to action it. Could you link the enter key on the keyboard to action the form?

A. When deleting a single file (Click checkbox, click [X] a top of page, click yes Remove) it then refreshes the page and puts me back into /2.galleries/ rather than /2.galleries/Sample/
Doesn't seem to retain it's previous location when performing the action.... hmmmm...

B. OH Shit! It deleted the WHOLE gallery!
Hmm... That was not a good idea being able to delete a gallery from within it. I would recommend only allowing to delete a gallery when being in the parent!
e.g. In Windows Explorer, if you are inside a directory you cannot select it to delete it. You must traverse UP one directory and then select the folder to delete it .
Make sense? :(

C. The deleted gallery is not displayed on the Left and not displayed on the Right, in the list of galleries under /content//2.galleries/ (e.g., 2.landscapes, etc.)
However if I have another tab open which is still in that folder, and it performs an action, it re-creates /sample/ but with no contents (but no /Sample/ re-created under FTP... just in Imagevue x3....) Imagevue x3 thinks /content/2.galleries/Sample/ still exists?!?!
Very strange!

When clicking on the "Cog" button on the far right to display the actions dialogue, could you please place Cancel on the far Right, and place Delete on the far Left?
Having them this close together is too dangerous! :D

This way 'Delete' is the furthest button away. Normally 'OK' is on the right, but for *sensitive* or multiple operations, 'Cancel' should be there (on the right) instead.
Last edited by Bulletproof IT on 09 Dec 2014, 00:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

08 Dec 2014, 22:47

Thanks for the feedback. The panel was basically a "quickfix" put together before beta, and we intend to redesign it entirely once the frontend structure is in place. We will surely take your ideas into consideration then.

It would probably be easier for us to track if you created new topics for feedback like this, either in the panel forum or the features forum ... Thanks again.
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Bulletproof IT
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

09 Dec 2014, 00:35

Name sort seems to be erratic. (no just with numeric files).

I created a new topic before but you merged it. Remember? :( I was trying to keep all my bugs / suggestions in one thread as I knew there would be a 'one or two' when I found time to vigorously start beating X3 around my server.

Yes, I totally understand things are still 'up in the ether' whilst in beta. Please enter them into your bug tracker or split my post and move parts into the original topic I created?. (previously "v0.5 BETA | BUG REPORTS"). Remember, if I am not reporting a bug or design issue, it's feedback for your team to consider. You will need to define its priority of when you are planning to tackle that particular area.
Thanks. :D

I am more than happy to invest time into assisting you with the administrative layout, language and grammar (proof reading) and various other element suggestions.

mjau-mjau wrote:Thanks for the feedback. We will surely take your ideas into consideration.
Thanks again.
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

10 Dec 2014, 09:26

Input Fields
When clicking on a button or an element that performs an action (dialogue box for example), could you please make sure all new modal dialogue boxes are focused on the first field? e.g. New Folder (Gallery/Sub-Gallery) opens the window and you must still first click on the input box before typing.

So in summary:
-> Focus on first field in modal dialogue / pop-up boxes.

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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

14 Dec 2014, 17:52

the final version of the panel will be more intuitive? I do not clarify this
The folders can be hidden?

Thank you
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Bulletproof IT
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

14 Dec 2014, 19:21

Karl said that if you remove the numeric digit infront of the gallery name, then it will not be displayed in the list / menu's.
You would have to directly link to it I guess?
Try it for yourself. Create "5.Example", upload some photos. Then rename it to "Example". :)

I think there should be some simple syntax that is:
Visible: y/n (hidden from menu only)
Disable: y/n (not accessible)
This would make life easier, instead of editing folder names.
Merry Christmas!
masquefotos wrote:Hola
the final version of the panel will be more intuitive? I do not clarify this
The folders can be hidden?

Thank you
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Re: X3 Beta V0.6

15 Dec 2014, 04:10

masquefotos wrote:the final version of the panel will be more intuitive? I do not clarify this
That is the plan yes, once we find the time to work with the NEW panel after beta. For now, we had to make it like this to allow power and flexibility.
masquefotos wrote:The folders can be hidden?
"foldername" == hidhen
"1.foldername" == visible
Bulletproof IT wrote:I think there should be some simple syntax that is:
Visible: y/n (hidden from menu only)
Disable: y/n (not accessible)
Indeed there should be a hide/show setting.