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Maximum size for uploads

21 Feb 2010, 07:58

Hello Imagevue creators,

First i have to make a compliment to you all for this nice phototool.
I watched the demo's verry well, and considder to purchase Imagevuex for our website.

But before that i have an urgent question, i must know if there is a configurable maximum filesize for uploads in the software.
I ask this because we use now another gallery witch doent have such filesize limit, and the 8 people who have acces to upload are told not to upload files larger then 1 Mb. Even the used software is telling them this by a popup requester. However, despite of that I have to remove large files (upto 15 MB sometimes) almost every day. So i need a gallery thats hufterproof and limits the filesize of uploads to 1MB refusing any larger files.

I have a site hosted by Strato, and i cannot change or dont have influence on php.ini settings at all. So the limit must be inside the uploader software.

With kind regards,

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22 Feb 2010, 02:56

Sorry - If you don't have the option to control the configuration of your own server, then you will not be able to control the upload limit either. Almost all web servers have a max upload setting, and this affects the imagevue max upload also ...

The only way you can get around this, is by uploading through FTP some way.

Also, if you are uploading very large images, you will need to be able to increase the memory-limit so that Imagevue has the power to resize LARGE images. Normally, this is restricted, and Imagevue will not be able to resize pictures larger than 1500x1500px. This is required for creating thumbnails!
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Imagevue Hitman
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22 Feb 2010, 05:27

Hmm actually we're relying on php.ini max_upload_filesize directive. Did you try contacting your host support?

You could try using .htaccess with overriding directives, but you better ask your support about this, because it might now work on your site.

What of actually changing the code, I'll come back with some suggestions.
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22 Feb 2010, 08:52

Thank you both for replying on short time after I psoted the question.

Well, as said i can't change anything on the PHP.ini. I seriously asked my provider, and the told me they wont do any changes because this effects all other users also.

I made a php module myself, for uploading pdf files, and in php there is an easy way to limit the filesize of uploaded files, just in the script code itself.
That module is only for the admin users, and works fine, but for the oather 5 users witch actually are newsredactors, we needed a good picturegallery. This is because they wont listen to the rules, not because they ignore it with obset, just because they are computer-analphabetics in first degree (lol).
Last week one of them used a RAW format picture in an article, and didnt understand why it was nog vissible, and uplaoded it 4 times to try. 4 times 17 MB! Thats why we want another solution.

We tried out coppermine, but that one didnt have the correct way of viewing the results nice and stores all pictures in one single directory on the server. We want to split it up in severall directories and een nice way to view them.

Imagevuex is for what i could see on the demo versions, doing all the things we expect from a gallery software, exept for this one thing of max file size limit...

Isnt there a way to make a check in the software, in the upload procedure, that see the filesizes of each uploading file and if its bigger then the configurated value of max file-size , refuses the upload and tell the uploader his file is to big?
Coppermine have that configuration inside, so i know its possible in software.

Maybe this is a nice thing for a next version of imageveux? well, at least we will still considder purchaging imagevuex, because it looks a great product to us, and hope this feature may be present in a next version perhaps!

Kind regards,

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23 Feb 2010, 02:41

The only way this is possible, is to resize in the same process as the upload, but on CLIENT side. There are already JAVA modules that can resize an image in the same process as uploading ... I also think this is possible with the latest flash player, so we will look into it for a future release!

We also have ideas about a client-side upload module application. You would be able yo drag images to the application, and it would upload and resize at the same time!
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Imagevue Hitman
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25 Feb 2010, 05:21

We just tried with .htaccess localy and it works, just add .htaccess file with the following content:

php_value upload_max_filesize 8M
php_value post_max_size 8M